一、合作内容 1)集装箱货物运输保险 二、保险标的 1)使用智能集装箱(指安装了中集科技智能设备的箱龄低于10 年的海运集装箱)装载并运输的国际贸易货物 三、被保险人 1)实际货主 四、保障方案 1)保险保障:智能集装箱在运输过程中造成集装箱内货物的损失。除保险条款中列明的保险除外责任,其他属于保险条款中列明的保险责任导致的集装箱内货物的损失由乙方承担赔偿。并在扣除相应免赔后将赔款赔付至甲方或实际货主。 2)保额的确定:选择以下三个投保金额进行投保: a)每次每箱投保金额为USD 1万,收费$3.6 b)每次每箱投保金额为USD 2万,收费$7.2 c)每次每箱投保金额为USD 4万,收费$14.4 3)免赔情况:每次事故绝对免赔额USD200或损失金额的5%,两者以高者为准。 4)适用条款:海洋运输货物保险条款(2009版,一切险) 、制裁限制与除外条款;以及人保战争险(海运)(2009版),人保罢工险(2009版)(如果购买了战争险或者罢工险,需每个收费$1.2)。 5)累计赔偿限额:每一运输工具每次事故累计赔偿限额USD 300万。 6)特别约定: a)在停车场内过夜而无人照看导致的损失本保单不负责赔偿。 b)30天通知取消合同条款 c)旧的或二手的货物,仅承保平安险 d)实际价值超过投保金额时,不予赔付。 e)金属制品,锈蚀除外 f)到非洲、中南美洲、印度的货物,保险责任到目的港口终止。 7)保险除外责任: a)承运船改变用途或集装箱报废前最后一个航次运输的货物 b)玉雕工艺品、其它玉石制品、玻璃及玻璃制品、陶瓷、大理石等易碎品 c)军火、现金、金银、贵金属珠宝、古玩、字画、计算机软件等难以确定价值的物品 d)冷冻、冷藏运输标的 e)鲜活物:新鲜瓜果蔬菜、花卉、活植物、活牲畜、家禽、海鲜 五、理赔事宜 在保险标的发生保险事故后,应立即拨打“95518”报案。立案后,乙方将指派理赔人员与报案人联系,并跟进案件处理。需准备以下资料: a)保单正本原件,保险协议复印件(印有ORIGINAL字样,背面有条款。被保险人为发货人的,请发货人在保单背后盖章背书)。 b)提单或运单原件(如实在无法提供原件则要求复印件加盖承运人章,或提供相关辅助证明,如运输合同,运费支付凭证等。) c)商业发票、装箱单原件,报关单、买卖合同复印件 d)事故照片(应能看出明显货损货差、外包装破损等,如货物整件丢失则无需提供) e)责任方/承运人事故证明原件(由目的地承运人或货运代理、发货地全程承运人或全程货运代理、事故责任方或其他权威机关(如警方、海关、消防局等等)提供,证明事故损失原因及损失情况(损失数量、金额),尽可能明确外包装有无破损或被盗痕迹。如:机场事故签证、货损货差证明、拆柜报告、理货报告、海关证明、不清洁提单、不清洁签收单、货柜交接单等。) f)索赔函(甲方提供模板)、承运人的回应(承运人回应可能email回复或传真等。) g)填写相关单证包括但不限于:(索赔人(最终收款公司或个人)填写损失清单、出险索赔通知书、权益转让书并签章,如被保险人是个人的,签章处请签名、盖手印,并提供身份证复印件。) 上述为基本理赔资料,如与特殊案件,可另行沟通协商处理。 六、双方的权利和义务 1)甲乙双方应贯彻执行国家颁布的保险法律法规和行政规章。 2)如本协议中的保险标的发生保险责任范围内的损失,甲方获悉后,应立即致电“95518”报案,并应迅速采取施救和保护措施,以减少受损相应的损失。 3)协议各方应按国家相关法律规定履行反洗钱义务,落实客户身份识别、客户风险等级划分、客户身份资料及交易记录保存、大额交易和可疑交易报告等具体反洗钱措施。 七、合同变更及适用法律 本协议的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律(不包括港澳台地区法律)。
Type: | Container Cargo Insurance |
Insured: | The Consignee |
Insurer: | PPICC Property and Casualty Company Limited, Shenzhen Branch. |
Interest Insured | Cargoes, which are loaded and transited by smart containers (Here refer to under 10 years old shipping containers which are installed with smart devices by party A ). |
Coverage | To cover the loss during transportation of the cargo in the smart container. Party B shall undertake to indemnity the loss of the cargo within the scope of insurance liability as listed in the insurance clause except as provided in EXCLUSIONS below. The indemnity shall be paid to the account designated by party A or the Consigner after the deduction from it of the deductible amount stipulated in this policy. |
Amount Covered |
a) The amount covered for each container each time is USD 10,000 ,Charge $3.6 b) The amount covered for each container each time is USD 20,000 ,Charge $7.2 c) The amount covered for each container each time is USD 40,000 ,Charge $14.4 |
Deductible | This insurance is subject to a deductible of USD 200 or 5% of the loss per insurance event, which is the greater. |
Conditions |
a) PICC P&C Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses 2009 b) Picc war risk (Marine) (2009 edition), picc strike risk (2009 edition) ($1.2 per purchase of war risk or strike risk) |
Limit of Liability | Up to USD 3,000,000 or equivalent in other currencies any one conveyance |
Exclusions |
a) Cargoes of the last voyage before the carrying vessel changes the use or the container is scrapped. b) Jade cravings, other jade products, glass and glass products, ceramics , marble and other fragile products. c) Munitions, cash, gold and silver, precious metal jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and painting, computer software and other goods that are difficult to value. d) Goods are to be transited in refrigerated condition e) Fresh goods and living stocks: fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, plants, animals, poultry, seafood |
Special agreement |
a) This insurance policy shall not liable for compensation of the loss caused by unattended overnight stay in the parking lot b) 30 days notice of cancellation clause c) Old insurance subject and second-hand goods can only underwrite FPA. d) Party A shall not indemnity if the actual value exceeds the amount insured. e) Metal products: excluding the risk of rusting. f) If the insured goods are to be transited to Africa, South and Central America and India, this insurance shall terminate when the insured goods arrived in the destination port. |
本公司办理集装箱保险,其条款如下: 一、责任范围 本保险分为全损险和综合险,被保险集装箱发生损失时,本公司按承保险别和本条款规定负责赔偿。 (一)全损险 集装箱的全部损失。 (二)综合险 集装箱的全部损失或部分损失(但集装箱的机器部分损失按下列规定办理)。 由于下列原因造成的集装箱的机器部分损失。 (1)运输船舶的沉没、触礁、搁浅、碰撞引起的(包括同冰碰撞; (2)陆上或空中运输工具的碰撞、倾覆及其他意外事故引起的; (3)外来的火灾、爆炸引起的。 不论是承保全损险或综合险,本公司对共同海损分摊、救助和集装箱受损后,被保险人立即采取的有效抢救措施和防止损失扩大而支付的合理费用也负责补偿,但对上述抢救和防损费用的补偿金额以不超过被救助集装箱的保险金额为限。 二、每一集装箱作为一个单独保险单位,各有明确的唛头标记。被保险人对投保的集装箱应定期做好维修和保养工作。 三、除外责任 本公司对下列原因造成的损失、责任和费用不负责赔偿: (一)集装箱不符合国际标准,或由于其内在缺陷和特性,或工人罢工,或延迟引起的损失和费用。 (二)正常磨损及修理费用。 (三)集装箱所有人国家的政府行使的拘留、扣押、没收或征用; (四)战争、敌对行为或武装冲突。及由于战争、敌对行为或武装冲突引起的拘留、扣押、没收或封锁。 (五)各种常规武器,包括水雷、鱼雷或炸弹。 (六)原子弹、氢弹等核武器所造成的损失。 (七)与投保集装箱经营有关的或由其引起的第三者责任和费用。 四、责任起讫 定期保险,起止时间以保险单规定为准。 五、退保 本保险双方均可用三十天事先通知的方式解除合同。如由被保险人提出在保险期限内退保,应按本公司短期费率计算退费(不满一个月按一个月计)。 六、索赔和赔偿 (一)被保险集装箱发生损失时,被保险人应立即通知本公司或就近的本公司检验代理人并采取一切可能措施,以减少损失。属于保险责任范围以内的修理应事先取得本公司同意。如损失由其他受托人或任何第三者负责时,应办好向这些责任方追偿的一切手续。 (二)集装箱全损时,本公司按保额全部赔付。 (三)集装箱发生部分损失时,本公司按合理的修理费用扣除免赔后赔付。如果后者超过保险金额时,可作为推定全损处理。 (四)被保险人在收取赔款时,必须将向船方、其他受托人或任何第三者责任方的追偿权利转给本公司。 (五)被保险人要求索赔时,应向本公司提供正式的书面索赔函、事故报告书、保险单、费用单证及被保险人所能提供的与确认保险事故的性质、原因、损失程度等有关的其他证明和资料。 被保险人向本公司请求赔偿并提供理赔所需资料后,本公司在60天内进行核定。对属于保险责任的,本公司在与被保险人达成赔偿或给付保险金的协议后10天内,履行赔偿义务。 七、争议处理 因履行本保险合同发生的争议,由当事人协商解决。协商不成的,提交保险单载明的仲裁机构仲裁;保险单未载明仲裁机构且争议发生后未达成仲裁协议的,依法向有管辖权的法院起诉。 本保险合同适用中华人民共和国法律(不包括港澳台地区法律)。 制裁限制与除外条款 当保险人(再保险人)对某类风险提供保险保障,如依照保险条款对某项索赔进行赔付或给付保险金的行为使保险人(再保险人)有可能因违反联合国决议或欧盟、英国及美国其中任一国有关贸易或经济的制裁法令或任何相关法律法规的规定而面临制裁、禁止或限制,则在以上情况下保险人(再保险人)都不应视作为该类风险提供了任何保险保障,亦不承担任何赔偿或给付保险金的责任。
This company writes container insurance on the following provisions: 1.SCOPE OF COVER This insurance is classified into two forms---Total Loss Only and All Risks. Where the insured container sustains loss or damage, this Company shall undertake to indemnity there for according to the risks insured and the provisions of these clauses. (1)Total Loss Only This Company shall only be liable for the total loss of the insured container. (2)All Risks This Company shall be liable for (A) total or partial loss of the insured container(for loss of or damage to the machinery of the container, sub-para(B) hereunder should be applied). (B) partial loss of the machinery of the container caused by (a) sinking, stranding, grounding and collision of the carrying vessel (including contact with ice). (b) collision, overturning or other accident to the land conveyance or aircraft. (c) fire, explosion originating externally. For both the Total Loss Only and All Risks covers, this Company undertakes to indemnity the Insured against the contribution to general average, salvage charges and for all reasonable expenses incurred by him for taking immediately effective measures in saving and preventing further loss after damage was sustained provided always that the amount of such indemnity shall not exceed the insured value of the container so saved. 2.EACH CONTAINER WHICH MUST BEAR INDENTIFICTAION MARKES SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE A SEPARATE INSURANCE. 3. EXCLUSIONS This Company shall not be liable for (1) loss or damage or expense caused by or contributed to non-conformity of the container to the international standard or due to its inherent vice or nature, strikes of workers or delay. (2) Ordinary wear and tear and its repainting expense. (3)Seizure, detainment, confiscation or requisition by the government of the country in which the container is owned. (4)War, hostile acts or armed conflicts, seizure, detainment, confiscation or blockade arising from the aforementioned events. (5)Conventional weapons of war including mines, torpedoes and bombs. (6)Atomic or hydrogen bomb or nuclear weapons. (7)Third party liability and expenses caused in connection with the operation of such insured container of arising therefrom. 4. PERIOD OF INSURANCE Time Insurance commencement and termination of the cover are subject to the provisions of this policy. 5. CANCELLATION OF INSURANCE This insurance may be cancelled by either party by giving the other party a thirty days prior notice of cancellation. In case the cancellation is requested by the Insured, return of premium for the unexpired period shall be calculated according to the tariff applicable to short term insurance of this Company (for period less than one month shall be treated as one month). 6. INDEMNITY AND PAYMENT OF CLAIM (1) In case of loss to the insured container the Insured shall inform immediately this company or its nearest surveying agent and take all possible measures in order to minimize the loss. For all repair which fall within the scope of cover prior consent in writing from this company is necessary before any repairing work to be carried out. In case of a loss attributable to the shipowner, other trustee or any other third party, all formalities for recovery shall be properly brought about against party by the Insured. (2) Sum insured shall be paid fully in case of a total loss of the insured container. (3) In case of a partial loss to the container this Company shall indemnity for the reasonable repairing cost after the deduction from it of the deductible amount stipulated in this policy. If the repairing cost exceeds the sum insured, the case may be treated as a constructive total loss. (4) At the time of claiming the loss from the Company, the Insured shall transfer to the Company his right of recovery against the shipowner, other trustee or any other third party. (5) When the Insured file a claim against the insurer, it shall provide the company with a formal written claim letter, an accident report, an insurance policy, a fee document and other certificates and materials that can be provided by the insured to confirm the nature, cause and extent of the loss of the insured accident. After the insured claims for compensation and provides the required documents, the Company shall ascertain them within 60 days. If the claim is covered under the policy, the Company shall execute the duty of indemnity within 10 days after it has reached the compensation agreement or payment with the insured. 7. TREATMENT OF DISPUTE Disputes arising from the execution of the insurance contract shall be settled by the parties concerned through consultation. If consultation fails, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to an arbitration institution specified in the policy for arbitration. If the policy does not specify an arbitration institution and the parties concerned fail to reach an arbitration agreement, either of them can bring a lawsuit directly to the competent court in accordance with the law. This insurance is subject to Chinese law (excluding HongKong, Macao and Taiwan laws ). The Chinese version shall prevail for all purpose if there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions. Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause (JHC2010/009) No (re)insurers shall be deemed to provide cover and no (re)insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose that (re)insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union,United Kingdom or United States of America.
一、责任范围 本保险负责赔偿: (一)直接由于战争、内战、革命、叛乱或由此引起的内乱、敌对行为、武装冲突或海盗行为所造成的被保险货物的损失。 (二)由于上述第(一)款引起的捕获、拘留、扣留、禁制、扣押、没收所造成的被保险货物的损失。 (三)各种常规武器,包括水雷、鱼雷、炸弹所造成的被保险货物的损失。 (四)本保险责任范围引起的共同海损的牺牲、分摊和救助费用。 二、除外责任 本保险对下列各项,不负赔偿责任: (一)由于直接或间接使用原子或核裂变或聚变或其类似反应或放射性力量或物质所制造的武器或装置所造成的损失和费用。 (二)由于政府或有关当局或其他武装集团的捕获、拘留、扣留、禁制、扣押、没收造成的承保航程的丧失和挫折而提出的任何索赔。 三、保险期间 (一)本保险责任自被保险货物装上保险单所载明起运港的海轮时开始,到卸离保险单所载明目的港的海轮时为止。如果被保险货物不卸离海轮,本保险责任最长期限以海轮到达目的港的当日午夜起算满十五天为止。海轮到达上述目的港是指海轮在该港区内一个泊位或地点抛锚、停泊或系缆;如果没有这种泊位或地点,则指海轮在原卸货港或地点或附近第一次抛锚、停泊或系缆。 (二)如在中途港、避难港转船,不论货物在当地卸载与否,保险责任以海轮到达该港或卸货地点的当日午夜起算满十五天为止。被保险货物如在上述十五天期限内继续运往保险单所载原目的港时,保险责任仍按上述第(一)款的规定终止。 (三)如运输合同的航程在本保险单所载明目的港以外的港口或地点终止时,该港口或地点即视为本保险的目的港,保险责任参照上述第(一)款的规定终止。被保险货物如在上述保险责任终止前需运往原目的港或其它目的地时,在被保险人于续运前通知保险人,并提出继续承保要求,经保险人同意和另行商定保险费和保险条件后,本保险责任可自货物装上续运的海轮时重新开始。 (四)如运输发生绕道,或承运人运用运输合同赋予的权限所作的任何航海上的变更,在被保险人立即将获知情况通知保险人,并提出继续承保要求,经保险人同意和另行商定保险费和条件后,本保险可继续有效。 本条款系本公司货运险条款的特殊附加险条款。本条款与保险单约定的货运险条款的任何条文有抵触时,以本条款为准;本条款未规定之处,以该货运险条款为准。
I. Scope of Cover This insurance covers: 1. Loss of or damage to the goods insured directly caused by or consequent upon war civil war revolution rebellion insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, hostile acts, armed conflicts or piracy; 2. Loss of or damage to the goods insured caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint, detainment or confiscation arising from risks covered in clause I.1. above; 3. Loss of or damage to the goods insured caused by conventional weapons of war including mines, torpedoes and bombs; 4. Sacrifice in and contribution to General Average and Salvage Charges arising from the risks covered under these clauses. II. Exclusions In no case shall this insurance cover: 1. Loss damage or expense directly or indirectly caused by or arising from the use of any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter. 2. Any claim based upon loss of or frustration of the insured voyage caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint, detainment or confiscation by any executive authorities, authorities in power or any other armed groups. III. Duration of Cover: 1. This insurance shall attach from the time the goods insured are loaded on the seagoing vessel at the port of shipment named in the Policy until discharged overside from the seagoing vessel at the port of destination named in the Policy. If the goods insured are not discharged therefrom, the longest duration at the port of destination shall be limited to 15 days counting from midnight of the day of the vessel's arrival at such port. Anchoring, mooring or securing at a berth or place within the harbour shall be deemed as the vessel's arrival. In the absence of such berth or place, the vessel's arrival refers to the vessel's first anchoring, mooring or securing either at or off the intended port or place of discharge. 2. In case of transhipment at an intermediate port or port of refuge, regardless of whether or not the goods insured are unloaded therein, the longest duration of this insurance at such port of transhipment shall be limited to 15 days counting from midnight of the day of the vessel's arrival at such port or place of discharge. However, if the goods are on-carried to the original port of destination named in the Policy within the above period of 15 days, this insurance shall terminate as provided in clause III.1. 3. If the voyage in the contract of carriage is terminated at a port or place other than the destination named in the Policy, such port or place shall be deemed to be the destination under the Policy and this insurance shall terminate in accordance with clause III.1. If prior to such termination the goods insured are to be on-carried to the original or any other destination, this insurance shall reattach when the goods are loaded on the on-carrying vessel provided notice is given to the insurer, continuation of cover is requested, cover being agreed and an additional premium and conditions being arranged by the Insurer prior to the commencement of such on-carriage. 4. This insurance shall remain in force during any deviation, change of voyage, variation of adventure arising from the exercise of a liberty granted to the carriers under the contract of carriage subject to notice being given to the insurer when such event comes to the knowledge of the Insured, continuation of cover being requested, cover being agreed and an additional premium and conditions being arranged by the Insurer. These clauses are the clauses of an additional insurance to the Cargo Insurance Clauses of this company. In case of any inconsistency between these clauses and the Cargo Insurance Clauses provided in the Policy, these clauses shall prevail. For other matters not provided herein, the Cargo Insurance Clauses shall be applicable.
一、责任范围 本保险负责赔偿: 1.由于罢工者,被迫停工工人或参加工潮、暴动、民众斗争的人员的行动所造成的被保险货物的直接损失; 2.恐怖主义行为或任何人出于政治、宗教或意识形态动机的行为造成被保险货物的直接损失; 3.上述行动或行为所引起的共同海损的牺牲、分摊和救助费用。 二、除外责任 本保险对在罢工期间的下列各项损失,不负赔偿责任: 1.由于劳动力短缺或不能履行正常职责所造成的被保险货物的损失,包括因此而引起的动力或燃料缺乏使冷藏机停止工作所造成的冷藏货物的损失。 2.任何基于航程丧失或受挫所造成的损失。 3.由于直接或间接使用原子或核裂变或聚变或其类似反应或放射性力量或物质所制造的武器或装置所造成的损失和费用。 本条款系本公司货运险条款的特殊附加险条款。本条款与保险单约定的货运险条款的任何条文有抵触时,以本条款为准;本条款未规定之处,以该货运险条款为准。
I. I.Scope of Cover This insurance covers: 1. loss of or damage to the goods hereby insured directly caused by acts of strikers, locked-out workmen or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions; 2. loss of or damage to the goods hereby insured directly caused by any act of terrorism, or any person acting from a political, ideological or religious motive; 3. Sacrifice in and contribution to General Average and Salvage Charges arising from the acts as stated above. II. Exclusions In no case shall this insurance cover 1.loss or damage arising from the absence shortage or withholding of labour during the time of strikes, including damage to refrigerated goods attributable to the stoppage of refrigerating machinery caused by lack of power or fuel resulting from the above. 2.any claim based upon loss of or frustration of the voyage or adventure. 3.loss damage or expense directly or indirectly caused by or arising from the use of any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter. These clauses are the clauses of an additional insurance to the Cargo Insurance Clauses of this company. In case of any inconsistency between these clauses and the Cargo Insurance Clauses provided in the Policy, these clauses shall prevail. For other matters not provided herein, the Cargo Insurance Clauses shall be applicable.