• 一.介绍
  • 二.快速入门
  • 三.开发者支持
  • 四.常见问题汇总


1.1 箱行天下








1.2 产品介绍











1.3 数据通道





2.1 搜索箱号


2.2 查看数据


2.3 绑定微信
















3.1 获取用户token



3.2 集装箱数据推送订阅


箱行天下平台与用户平台之间传输的数据传输的数据统一采用UTF-8编码,数据时间均用 UTC 时间(比北京时间少8小时)。

3.3 集装箱数据查询服务


箱行天下平台与用户平台之间传输的数据传输的数据统一采用UTF-8编码,数据时间均用 UTC 时间(比北京时间少8小时)。


4.1 实时数据问题
















排查解决:可通过“箱行天下”平台网页端中 【集装箱管理】—【集装箱管理】页面,通过搜索【箱号】来确认箱号与设备号绑定是否正确。若不正确,请重新解绑修改正确的箱号与设备号关系。






























2. 设备故障。设备本身可能存在故障(如传感器损坏、电池损坏),导致无法正确读取冷藏箱的当前状态。












4.2 集装箱管理问题

8、 集装箱更换安装新的设备后,如何在平台上设置新的设备号与箱号的绑定关系?














10、 集装箱在箱行天下平台上如何设置区分哪些集装箱是在用或停用状态?







11、 如何将指定某个集装箱的数据分享给其它用户查看?





  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.Quick Start
  • 3.Developer Support
  • 4.FAQ


1.1 Goocontainer

Shipping container tracking provides a range of benefits that positively impact businesses and stakeholders in the logistics industry. Here are the key advantages of container tracking:

Enhanced Visibility: Container tracking offers real-time visibility into the location and status of shipping containers. This visibility allows businesses to monitor and track containers at every stage of the supply chain, enabling better planning, coordination, and decision-making. It improves operational efficiency, reduces transit times, and enhances customer service by providing accurate information about shipment status and estimated arrival times.

Improved Security: Tracking containers helps mitigate security risks. With real-time tracking, businesses can quickly identify any unauthorized access, theft, or tampering of containers. They can take immediate action to prevent losses, initiate investigations, and enhance security measures. Container tracking systems often include features like geofencing and security alerts to ensure the integrity and safety of shipments.

Efficient Resource Allocation: Container tracking optimizes resource allocation. By knowing the precise location of containers, businesses can efficiently allocate labor, equipment, and storage facilities. They can plan and optimize routes, minimize empty container movements, and make better use of available transportation capacity. This reduces costs and enhances overall operational efficiency.

Supply Chain Optimization: Tracking containers allows businesses to optimize their supply chain operations. Real-time visibility into container movements helps identify bottlenecks, delays, or disruptions in the logistics process. This enables businesses to proactively address issues, make timely adjustments, and maintain smooth supply chain flows. Optimization leads to improved delivery times, reduced inventory holding costs, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Data-driven Insights: Container tracking generates a wealth of data that can be analyzed to gain valuable insights. By analyzing tracking data, businesses can identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. They can optimize shipping routes, identify supply chain inefficiencies, and make data-driven decisions. These insights enable continuous improvement and better strategic planning, ultimately leading to cost savings and operational efficiencies.

Risk Mitigation: Container tracking helps mitigate risks associated with transportation and logistics. By monitoring containers in real-time, businesses can anticipate and respond to potential delays or disruptions, such as adverse weather conditions or port congestion. They can take proactive measures to mitigate risks, reduce the impact of unforeseen events, and ensure the smooth flow of goods.

1.2 Our Product

Container Tracking and Reefer Guard produced by Shenzhen ZhongJi Intelligent, are smart container equipment that can read, manage, and monitor various aspects of container data. They are used in conjunction with "Goocontainer" to form a closed-loop IoT system, improving the operational management efficiency of container owners and ultimately increasing enterprise profits.

Shenzhen ZhongJi Intelligent's " Container Tracking " is a type of smart container equipment designed to provide real-time monitoring and data collection for containers. It can be installed at the container's ventilation opening and connected to Shenzhen ZhongJi Intelligent's Goocontainer" platform, providing comprehensive remote monitoring and data analysis.

The main features and functions of the " Container Tracking " equipment include:

Real-time location and motion monitoring: With integrated positioning systems and accelerometers, the Container Tracking " equipment can provide real-time information on the container's position and motion. This allows enterprises to track and monitor the container's precise location at any time and understand its actual status in the supply chain.

Temperature sensor: The " Container Tracking " equipment is also equipped with a temperature sensor that can monitor the temperature around the container. This is particularly important for transporting goods, as it ensures that the goods are transported under suitable environmental conditions.

Data analysis and reporting: By connecting to Shenzhen ZhongJi Intelligent's IoT platform, the data collected by the " Container Tracking " equipment can be analyzed and reported in real time. This data can be used to optimize supply chain operations, improve logistics efficiency, and provide valuable insights and decision support.

The main features and functions of the "Reefer Guard" equipment include:

Temperature and humidity sensor: The " Reefer Guard " equipment is equipped with temperature and humidity sensors that can collect temperature and humidity data inside the container. Temperature and humidity monitoring plays a significant role in cold chain transportation, as it effectively improves the efficiency and intensity of cargo management and reduces the risk of spoilage during transportation.

Alarm and alert functions: The " Reefer Guard " product has alarm and alert functions to help users respond to potential issues in a timely manner. For example, when the temperature or humidity exceeds the set safety range, the product will push alert notifications to the user. This allows users to take immediate action to prevent damage to the goods.

Data analysis and reporting: The " Reefer Guard " product is connected to the "Goocontainer" platform, allowing for the collection, storage, and analysis of transportation data. This data can be used to generate reports and analysis, helping users understand the transportation status, efficiency, and supply chain performance of refrigerated containers

1.3 Data Channel

Our products support two data reporting methods: base station and satellite. The base station method is suitable for use in urban areas or areas with good network coverage. It can wirelessly transmit device data in real-time to the platform database through the wireless network. On the other hand, the satellite method is suitable for remote areas or areas with poor network coverage. It transmits data to the platform via satellite communication, ensuring the stability and reliability of the data.

Our platform database has powerful data management and processing capabilities. It can receive and store data from various smart devices and perform real-time data analysis and processing. Through our user-friendly interface, you can easily access and manage device data, monitor device status, and generate detailed reports and analysis results. Additionally, our platform supports data export and sharing, facilitating data exchange and sharing with other systems or partners.

Our products can meet the needs of businesses and organizations. Whether it's environmental monitoring, logistics tracking, agricultural management, or industrial automation, our solutions can provide reliable data management and analysis support, helping you achieve more efficient and intelligent business operations.

2.Quick Start

2.1 Search by Container Number

The search bar is located in the top left corner of the page. Enter the container number to perform a search. The search function supports fuzzy search, meaning that entering partial keywords of the container number will display dropdown options with results that include the entered keywords. Clicking on an option will navigate to that specific result.

2.2 View Data

In the Real-Time Data menu, search for the container you want to view. Click on the container to display detailed container data in a popup on the left side. This includes the container number, the container's latest position, temperature and humidity information (temperature and humidity curve), refrigerated container refrigeration unit status, the current positioning method of the container, and the container's movement status (stationary/transporting).

2.3 Bind WeChat Account

In the Member Management menu, users can bind their Goocontainer platform account with their WeChat account.

Binding method:

(1) Click the "Bind WeChat" button next to the account.

(2) Open WeChat on your mobile phone and scan the QR code displayed in the popup.

(3) Select a profile picture and nickname.

(4) Complete the binding process.

Unbinding method:

(1) Click the "Unbind WeChat" button next to the account.

(2) Click "Confirm."

(3) Complete the unbinding process.

A Goocontainer account can be bound to a maximum of one WeChat account, and similarly, a WeChat account can be bound to a maximum of one Goocontainer account.

After binding the WeChat account, you can enable WeChat message notifications to receive alarm reminders for container numbers (e.g., high temperature alert, low battery alert).

3.Developer Support

The Goocontainer platform provides container location and status data. After the device data is sent to the Goocontainer IoT platform, the platform offers two ways for users to connect: active data push (MQTT, HTTP) and passive data retrieval (HTTP/HTTPS). In the MQTT push method, the user's endpoint needs to subscribe to the platform's data using an MQTT client. In the HTTP push method, the user's endpoint needs to develop an HTTP interface according to the specifications in this document, and the platform will push data to that interface. Users can also use the platform's provided HTTP interface to retrieve data at scheduled intervals.

3.1 Obtaining User Token

Obtaining User Token is the unique global access credential for the Goocontainer platform. It is required for calling various interfaces. Developers need to securely store the token. The token should be stored in at least 70 characters of space. The token is divided into userToken and mqttToken, where userToken is used for accessing HTTP/HTTPS interfaces, and mqttToken is used for subscribing to MQTT data push.

3.2 Subscription for Container Data Push

For data push via HTTP/HTTPS, the user platform needs to provide a URL for receiving data. The Goocontainer platform will call that interface to push JSON-formatted data. The data transmitted between the Goocontainer platform and the user platform is encoded in UTF-8, and all data timestamps are in UTC time (8 hours behind Beijing time).

3.3 Container Data Query Service

If users need to actively retrieve real-time or historical container data through an interface, they need to call the Goocontainer HTTP interface, with the prerequisite being the userToken obtained from the user login interface in 2.1. The data transmitted between the Goocontainer platform and the user platform is encoded in UTF-8, and all data timestamps are in UTC time (8 hours behind Beijing time).


4.1 Real-time Data Issues

1. Why is there no updated data for a certain container in the real-time data?

Answer: There could be several reasons why a container has not updated its data for a long time:

The container is located in an area with weak or interfered signals. It could be due to signal limitations in the surrounding environment or scene. For example, if the container is in transit through areas with weak or remote signals such as tall buildings, mountains, seas, dense forests, or if the container is stored in a compressed or stationary state, it may not receive sufficient satellite signals, which affects data updates. Troubleshooting: Continuously monitor the container's movement. If the location of the container changes, it may resume updating its data. If the container still doesn't report data after a location change, there may be a device malfunction, and it should be returned for repair or replacement.

The device has low battery power. When the battery power is below the required level for normal operation, it can affect the device's data updates. Troubleshooting:

• For dry containers, if the battery power is low (less than 3% for the Container Tracking), the device needs to be replaced with a new one to solve the low battery issue.

• For refrigerated containers, if the battery power is low (less than 10% for the Reefer Guard), the container can be connected to power to charge the device and resolve the low battery issue.

Device malfunction: The device may have a malfunction, preventing it from working properly and updating data in real-time. Troubleshooting: Check if the device's exterior is damaged or missing, and verify if the device is properly connected (for the Reefer Guard, check if the DATA light is continuously on). If there is a device malfunction, it should be returned for repair or replacement.

2. Why does the location information of a certain container in real-time data not match the actual location?

Answer: Inaccurate location information can be caused by the following common reasons:

The container is located in an area with weak or interfered signals: It could be due to signal limitations in the surrounding environment or scene. For example, if the container passes through areas with weak or remote signals such as tall buildings, mountains, seas, dense forests, or if the container is stored in compressed conditions, it may not receive sufficient satellite signals, resulting in inaccurate or lost GPS signals and inconsistent location information. There may also be other wireless devices or signal sources in certain areas, such as buildings, trees, highways, or power lines, which can cause electromagnetic signal interference and inaccurate device positioning. Troubleshooting: Continuously monitor the container's movement. If the location of the container changes, it may resume updating its data. If the container still doesn't report data after a location change, there may be a device malfunction, and it should be returned for repair or replacement.

GPS antenna not properly connected: If the container is a refrigerated container, it's possible that the GPS antenna is not properly connected or has a malfunction, resulting in the device not receiving satellite positioning information. Troubleshooting: Check if the GPS antenna of the installed device is properly connected. Try unplugging and re-plugging the GPS antenna to troubleshoot the issue.

Incorrect binding between container number and device number: If the device number is incorrectly bound to the container number, it will result in inconsistent location information displayed. Troubleshooting: Use the "Goocontainer" platform's web interface in the Container Management section to search for the container number and verify if the binding between the container number and device number is correct. If incorrect, unbind the incorrect pairing and rebind the correct pairing.

Device malfunction: The device itself may have a malfunction, such as a damaged GPS antenna or other hardware issues, preventing it from accurately receiving satellite signals for positioning. Troubleshooting: Check if the device's exterior is damaged or missing and verify if the device is properly connected (for the Reefer Guard, check if the DATA light is continuously on). If there is a device malfunction, it should be returned for repair or replacement.

Low software version: Cold box guard equipment may have low software version, resulting in the positioning data information and the actual location offset. Troubleshooting: When the cold machine is in the boot state, you can contact the technical personnel for remote upgrade of the equipment software version.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for assistance.

3. Why can't I find data for a specific container in the real-time data?

Answer: The lack of real-time data for a container could be because the container number was not bound to a device number on the Goocontainer platform. Troubleshooting:

• Use the "Goocontainer" platform's web interface in the Container Management > Container Management section to search for the container number and verify if it is correctly bound to a device number.

• If there is no binding relationship, click "Container Import" and follow the instructions to bind the device number and container number correctly.

• After the successful binding, the real-time data for the container will be available through the container number search.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for assistance.

4. How should I handle the situation when the battery level displayed for the device installed on a container is low?

Answer: When the battery level of the device is low, it can affect data updates. It is recommended to recharge the battery or replace it with a fully charged device as soon as possible. Troubleshooting:

• For dry containers, if the battery level is low (less than 3% for the Container Tracking), the device needs to be replaced with a new one to solve the low battery issue.

• For refrigerated containers, if the battery level is low (less than 15% for the Reefer Guard), the container can be connected to power to charge the device and resolve the low battery issue.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for further assistance.

5. Why does the platform only display base station positioning and not satellite positioning for a container?

Answer: If the container's positioning only shows base station positioning and not satellite positioning, it could be due to the following reasons:

Signal shielding or poor signal: It could be due to signal limitations in the surrounding environment or scene. For example, buildings, metal structures, or other objects around the container may block GPS signals, preventing the device from receiving satellite positioning information. In such cases, base station positioning is used to determine the container's location.

GPS antenna not properly connected: For refrigerated containers, the GPS antenna may not be properly connected or could have a malfunction, resulting in the device not receiving satellite positioning information. Troubleshooting: If the container is a refrigerated container, check if the GPS antenna of the installed device is properly connected. Try unplugging and re-plugging the GPS antenna to troubleshoot the issue.

Device malfunction: The device itself may have a malfunction or damage, such as a damaged GPS antenna or other hardware issues, preventing it from accurately receiving satellite signals for positioning. Troubleshooting: Check if the device's exterior is damaged or missing, and verify if the device is properly connected (for the Reefer Guard, check if the DATA light is continuously on). If there is a device malfunction, it should be returned for repair or replacement.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for further assistance.

6. When a refrigerated container is in the process of being powered on for cooling, why does the real-time data display the status of the refrigeration unit as "turned off"?

Answer: A refrigerated container may have the status of the refrigeration unit displayed as "turned off" while it is in the process of being powered on for cooling. This could be due to the following reasons:

Improper power connection: Check if the power supply to the device is functioning correctly. Inspect the power cable for damage or disconnection, and try unplugging and re-plugging the power cable to troubleshoot the issue.

Device malfunction: The device itself may have a malfunction or damage, preventing it from correctly reading the current status of the refrigeration unit. Troubleshooting: Check if the device's exterior is damaged or missing, and verify if the device is properly connected (for the Reefer Guard, check if the DATA light is continuously on). If there is a device malfunction, it should be returned for repair or replacement.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for further assistance.

7. Why can't I view the return air temperature of a refrigerated container in the real-time data when it is in the process of being powered on for cooling?

Answer: The inability to read the return air temperature of a refrigerated container could be caused by the following:

Refrigeration unit model: The refrigerated container may be equipped with a Cold King MP3000 or Cold King MP4000 refrigeration unit. Some refrigeration unit models may require an additional device adapter to directly read the return air temperature. Troubleshooting: Check the refrigeration unit model used in the refrigerated container. If it is a Cold King MP3000 or MP4000 model, an appropriate device adapter must be installed. Contact the technical team for assistance in obtaining and installing the device adapter. After installation, a remote device upgrade may be required to enable the reading of the return air temperature.

Sensor issue: The temperature sensor of the device may have a problem, preventing it from correctly reading the return air temperature inside the refrigerated container. Troubleshooting: Check if the device is correctly installed and connected. Try unplugging and re-plugging the cables to ensure there is no disconnection or damage.

Device malfunction: The device itself may have a malfunction or damage, preventing it from accurately reading the temperature data. Troubleshooting: Check if the device's exterior is damaged or missing, and verify if the device is properly connected (for the Reefer Guard, check if the DATA light is continuously on). If there is a device malfunction, it should be returned for repair or replacement.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for further assistance.

4.2 Container Management Issues

8. After installing a new device on a container, how can I set the new device number and container number binding on the platform?

Answer: To modify the binding relationship between the container number and the newly installed device number on the platform, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the "Goocontainer" platform's web interface and go to the Container Management page.

2. Search for the container number or device number that needs to change the binding relationship.

3. After finding the target container number or device number, select the container information and click "Unbind" to unbind the previously bound container number and device number.

4. Click "Container Import" download the template, fill it out according to the instructions, and import it into the platform. After successful import, the new binding relationship between the device number and the container number will be established and take effect.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for assistance.

9. After installing Reefer Guard on a refrigerated container, I found that the automatically bound container number does not match the actual container number. How should I handle this?

Answer: The discrepancy between the automatically bound container number and the actual container number can occur if the device reads the container number based on the factory configuration of the refrigeration unit. This can lead to inconsistencies when the refrigerated container is a refurbished or modified unit.

Troubleshooting: To resolve this issue, manually modify the binding relationship between the device number and the container number. If you find that the automatically bound container number does not match the actual container number after installing the device, use the Goocontainer platform's web interface in the Container Management section to search for the device number or container number. Unbind the device number from the incorrect container number and then register and bind the device number to the correct container number to correct the discrepancy.

To ensure the accuracy of the device number and container number binding relationship and the accuracy of container data, it is recommended to perform the following checks after device installation:

• Using the Goocontainer official account, access the "Home" and "Device Management" pages to verify the container number's data and the correctness of the device number and container number binding relationship.

• Log in to the Goocontainer web platform and access the "Real-time Data" and "Container Management" pages to verify the container number's data and the correctness of the device number and container number binding relationship.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for further assistance.

10. How can I set up differentiating between containers in use and containers in a stopped state on the Goocontainer platform?

On the Goocontainer platform, you can set up groups to differentiate between containers in use and containers in a stopped state using the following steps:

(1)Group settings: Go to the "Container Group" page and create groups based on the container status attribute. Create two different groups, one for "in-use" containers and another for "stopped" containers. Assign each container to the respective group based on its status attribute.

(2)Group naming: Set a distinct label or name for each group, clearly indicating whether it contains "in-use" or "stopped" containers. Use clear and concise labels, such as "In-Use Containers" and "Stopped Containers."

(3)User-defined groups: Users can also create custom groups based on their specific needs. Manually assign containers to these custom groups based on their status attribute for convenient management.

By following these steps, users can flexibly set up groups to clearly differentiate between containers in use and containers in a stopped state, allowing for effective container management and monitoring.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for further assistance.

11. How can I share data for a specific container with other users on the Goocontainer platform?

Answer: On the Goocontainer platform, you can share data for a specific container with other users through WeChat by following these steps:

(1)Go to the "Real-time Data" page and search for the container number you want to share.

(2)Click on the container number, and in the container information display window, click on the "Share" button next to the trip information. You can share the container data with other users by scanning the QR code or sharing the link.

If there are any issues during the troubleshooting process, contact the technical team for further assistance.